
Top 5 Tips For Getting Around at the 2013 Miami Boat Show

How to make the most of your trip to the 2013 Miami Boat Show.

Top 5 Tips For Getting Around at the 2013 Miami Boat Show

I just bought a new pair of sneakers, in anticipation of attending this year’s Miami International Boat Show. With multiple venues spread out all over the City of Miami, my feet take a beating at this show more than any other. If you’re attending, leave the boat shoes and high heels at home, and instead shod thyself with your best walking shoes (with non-marking soles, of course). This will be my 18th time attending, so I know what I’m talking about.

Here are four other tips for getting around, and getting by, at the Miami Boat Show.

1. Take The Shuttles: I know the line looks long, and you figure that a taxi will be quicker and so worth a few dollars. Wrongo! The taxi is slowed by the same traffic as the bus, and really, won’t get you between venues much quicker. Take the shuttle and save your cash for lunch (you’ll need it).


2. Best Eats Without Leaving The Show: At the marina, I like Mike’s Venetia, an Irish pub in the Venetian building at the south end of the docks. Go through the door just past the Suzuki Outboard’s tent, and take the elevator up to the 9th floor. Great burgers, cold drinks and an awesome view, all at poolside and everyday prices.

3. Bring a Jacket: Yeah, yeah it’s Miami! A subtropical paradise! And without a windbreaker you may be very uncomfortable if a cold front comes through, which has happened to me on more occasions than I can count. So wear long, light pants, a hat, and a jacket—but don’t forget the sunscreen—and you’ll be prepared.

4. Weekends Are Hell: If it’s at all possible for you, take in the show on Thursday, Friday or Monday. You’ll have better access to the boats, be able to talk to a broker who’s not too frazzled, and wait in much shorter food, transportation and demo-ride lines.


Takeaway: Boat shows offer a great opportunity to compare the boats on your short list against one another and pit the sellers against one another. If you’re a buyer, hit the Miami Boat Show determined to execute this strategy.
