
Buff Magic

Use Buff Magic to help erase those hull scratches.

After compounding a heavily chalked blue hull, I needed a polish to flatten the finish and knock down the fine scratches and swirl marks left by the coarse liquid abrasive. Skip this step and go right to wax, and sunlight will show the wheel ridges and leave a less than satisfying result. So this year I tried Yacht Brite Buff Magic by Shurhold. I’d highly recommend it. It’s a cream that you wipe on and remove while wet, so the job goes quicker than products that require you to wait for them to haze over. I used a foam-backed wool pad on a polisher set at 2100 rpm, so the job went quickly. Buff Magic can be applied by hand as well. On a lighter-colored, less chalked and scratched hull-my Regulator is 11 years old, flag blue, and fished hard-Buff Magic would work as the sole step prior to waxing. It’s available in 22-ounce buckets and is one component of Shurhold’s Yacht Brite complete boat maintenance system of cleaners, waxes, polishes, brushes, and accessories.

Price: $30. Contact: 772-287-1313,
