What Boaters Say Winner July 2013
Nailing 41 votes, Eric Sanvick’s captioned photo made him our What Boaters Say winner for July 2013.
In answer to the question, “What’s your most used boating knot?”, Eric took a photo of a bowline and captioned it, essentially stating that it was the most used knot aboard his boat. In fact many of you entered the same knot, but Eric was the only entrant to actually tie the knot and photograph it. (Might be one reason he got so many votes… hint, hint…)
We’d be hard-pressed to disagree with Eric. The bowline is an essential knot in our view, and can be used to form a loop that won’t slip, yet remains easy to untie. You can use a bowline to make a dockline or a makeshift boarding ladder—and dozens of uses in between. If you only take the time to learn one knot, we think the bowline should be it.
Submit entries to the What Boaters Say contest, and view past winners.