BoatCapsule by CarCapsule is another addition to a long line of Premium Storage Solutions. For the past 20 years, CarCapsule USA has produced a variety of storage solutions in a wide range of sizes and vehicle applications.

Marine vessels are no exception. Available in 25’ & 30’ sizes, The BoatCapsule is made of Heavy Duty UV Resistant material that protects your vessel from mold, mildew, rust, corrosion, sun, and other outdoor elements while not in use. After a weekend of sun & fun, the BoatCapsule provides the perfect solution for the boat owner who does not have the convenience of a boat lift, or indoor storage. Spend more time on the water and less time preventing long term water damage. Our powerful dual 190 CFM fans create 380 CFM of continuous air flow to keep the dust off, and eliminate condensation 24/7, all at a minimal cost of operation. Put a barrier between your vessel and the threat of impact damage, and the harsh climates with the BoatCapsule by CarCapsule. Remember, on Land or at Sea, at CarCapsule “We Speak Storage”.
For more information contact us at, or call us at 219-945-9493 or visit our webpage: