The Legend
Drew Daniello is a legend in wakesurfing, and put the sport on the map. He won his first World Championship in 2003 and has seven titles in all.
How I Utilize Standard Ballast
100 percent on all stock ballast: port, starboard and belly
How I Utilize Extra Ballast
That’s the beauty of the G. All of my extra bags and pumps have been thrown away. I don’t need them anymore.
Custom Settings
NSS on 0, which is fully deployed. NCRS between 2 and 4, depending on how many people are in the boat. I like a nice, steep wave, so with a couple of people in the boat, I run it at 4; with six or more people, I run it around 2 to 3.
Boat Speed
11.4 mph

I Usually Surf
Mostly frontside, but with NSS, I have been doing a lot of transfer tricks and having fun on both sides with the touch of a button, or a click on my watch!
Preferred Board
2017 Phase 5 Hamerhead LTD 50″
My Favorite Single Feature On My Boat Is
The hull shape. The surf wave went from really good to the top of the chart. But the NSS is amazing and has opened so many possibilities. And of course, the stereo system. JL Audio knocked it out of the park. Clear, crisp audio across highs and lows throughout the entire boat.
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