Conquering the Bermuda Challenge

Conquering the Bermuda Challenge

Conquering the Bermuda Challenge
Fertig(blue numbers) went first. Then Buzzi(green numbers) beat him. But that doesn’t diminish Fertig’s accomplishment aboard his Statement center-console: the first challenger to set the mark using diesel engines and sterndrives. That said, Buzzi’s mark looks hard to beat. Take a look at how each contestant made the 780-mile run to set a new world record, one after the other. 1. Departs New York City 0930 hours EDT, Saturday, Aug. 4, 2012
2. Fertig and Garvin fight a fire and suppress it.
3. Fertig bucks steep, five-foot head seas.
4. Fertig pours it on, throttling to 35 knots.
5. Fans on Facebook cheer Fertig as new record appears to be in reach.
6. Arrives in Bermuda in 21 hours, 39 minutes
7. Departs New York City 1356 hours EDT, Friday, Sept. 28, 2012
8. Buzzi’s team outruns a weather front.
9. Buzzi averages 40 knots in six- to eight-foot seas.
10. Barring a breakdown, Buzzi’s on track to an even faster record.
11. Arrives in Bermuda in 17 hours, six minutes

Conquering the Bermuda Challenge

Conquering the Bermuda Challenge

Conquering the Bermuda Challenge