
Princecraft 60th Anniversary Sweepstakes Winners

Three winners selected in the Princecraft 60th Anniversary Sweepstakes.

There were hundreds of entries in the Princecraft 60th Anniversary Sweepstakes. But only three lucky boaters won a prize for their entries.

First Place goes to Annette Howe, of Luddington, Michigan. Annette won a Rapala fishing kit, valued at $700 Canadian.

Second place winner Judith Smith, of Phoenix, Arizona, garnered a Rapala fishing kit worth $500 Canadian.


Third place went to William Scalercio, of San Antonio, Texas. William won a Princecraft 60th Anniversary Hat and T-shirt valued at $30 Canadian.

Conratulations to all the winners! Thanks to all the entrants! And thanks to Princecraft for sharing their 60th Anniversary with Boating‘s friends, fans and followers!
