What Boaters Say Winner April 2013
With this picture of crevice corrosion, evidenced by the stainless–steel transom rings bleeding rust onto the transom, this month’s winner was the only entrant to answer the supplied question with his captioned photo.
We can learn at least two things from this month’s winner.
For one thing, stainless-steel is just that: stain-LESS, not stain-FREE.
Second, this issue shows how cosmetic maintenance and structural maintenance are related. His transom rings may be called upon to support the boat while being trailered or lifted, or while tied to a dock. He may use a harness to tow skiers using these rusting rings.
By noticing the corrosion now, at the cosmetic level, there remains the chance to re-bed and re-seal the fittings, and or transom, to prevent further water intrusion, the failure of the fittings, or, indeed, the eventual failure of the transom itself.
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