You are required by law to carry aboard a life jacket for every crew member on your boat, but finding somewhere to stow them can be a hassle. A dedicated gear bag is an inexpensive solution. Let’s take a look at three bags.

Seachoice Products Life Preserver Bag
Seachoice Products Life Preserver Bag
The Store: This basic-looking water-resistant bag should keep life jackets and other gear clean and dry. It measures 20 inches long by 18 inches wide by 12 inches tall, and Seachoice says it will hold up to six life jackets. It’s made from heavy-duty white nylon with red lettering so passengers can find the bag in a hurry. Zippers and handles are made from a noncorrosive material.
The Sack: It doesn’t have compartments in the lid for smaller items.
Price: $16.70;

Boatmates Small-Craft Safety Bag
Boatmates Small-Craft Safety Bag
The Store: This BoatMates’ commercial-weight bag holds four adult and two children’s life jackets in the main compartments. Separate storage areas in the lid hold first-aid supplies, signal flares, a distress flag, an air horn and other small items. A large mesh pocket in the front provides additional storage. The bag has heavy-web carrying handles, nonskid feet, and grommet openings for drainage.
The Sack: Reviews on West Marine said that zippers can break if not lubricated often.
Price: $36.99;

Kent Safety Products Type II Adult Life Jacket Four Pack with Bag
Kent Safety Products Type II Adult Life Jacket Four Pack with Bag
The Store: It’s a little more expensive, but that’s because it comes with four Type II life jackets inside. The clear bag provides for an easy look at the condition of the contents. A thick webbed handle on top makes it easy to carry or to secure in place with bungee cords or ratchet straps.
The Sack: It holds the smallest number of life jackets of the three bags we tested.
Price: $59.99;